Ammo Memos...

Valentines Day Candy Heart

Saturday, May 31, 2008

:::: 2008: Different View-orial Panorama (Episode 2) ::::

Scene 1: The Birthday of my Wise Bishop, Jazlyn Clarise…
Da bday of my bishop is celebated a day earlier, due to the absence of time and place for the big day… it is 26 April and we all are hecticly crazy and having a lot of fun!!! Da party started round 5 o’clock, and of course, as the royalty, I came in later than the others… which is around 7… but still, there are some who rudely break the tradition and came after me! Haiz, hilang daulat… and of course, the long lost best friend, CJ came, and sparks things up too… Well, we did a lot of stuffs, cooking, celebrating, war… well this is one heck of an enjoyment for us, imagine, the drama king conquered the whole royal kitchen to cook his royal mashed potatoes… wow, the king, cook for his people, amazing isn’t it? Well heres a few candids from da scene of crime, to your eyes to enjoy…

See what I mean? The king has dropped his royal Wild Channel robe to cook!!! If that’s not love, I dunno what it is…
The three Lims…
And the whole carriage of royalties…

And with the charm of the king and his princes, the night is brilliant…

And here comes the cake for the royal drama bishop…

Well the cake was pleasantly nice, although there’s a few pieces of gelatin stripes in it and crumbled crumb base and kind of mushy feelin holding and eating it… okay, I totally made the cake look unpleasant don’t I? So I better stop talking… and perhaps show you more of the pleasant pictures…

Our b’day gurl feeding her mom and dad da “pleasant” cheesecake, oh, so kind of her…

Da gurlfriends givin da bday gurl kisses… muakz…

Me and my dearly beloved bishop, Jazlyn Clarise… God, I look like a baboon…

Da beloved bishop, Jazlyn Clarise… now without da baboon… she posed like she’s saying “Bedazzled….”
Da bday gurl and her marshallow cute brother and sister…

And its time for present!!! Weee!!! And forgive the upper royalty, I did not bring any present… it seemed dat my treasure room was empty!!!

Although the cake does not go so well… there’s a savior that saved the day… and that is the Lime Chicken!!! Delicious with its brown, perfectly butter-glazed, baked to perfection skin and its juicy meat with a kick of lime and thyme (it rhymes huh?), dat was delicious, so delicious until I ate bout 3 of them, and I even tapau-ed some, ok some means 4 of them, 2 breast and 2 drumsticks… hehehe…… here’s a texture pixelature of the chicken, and a monochromic pix of the chic…

And a few more candids to conclude “Scene 1: The Birthday of my Wise Bishop, Jazlyn Clarise…”

You won’t expect this to be scary at first wouldn’t you?

But after a few Photoshop tricks and a few clicks…

Still, you won’t feel scary at all…

Next is the three stooges dat tried to be ‘blur’…

Well, only one succeeded though…

No worries k, Aud? Hahahahaha… congrats!!!

And lastly, the king is going off, bringing the ‘blur’ gal with me on a royal carriage… hastala vista baybeh…

p/s: what I meant by war in da previous paragraphs is water balloon war, where everyone got wet… sorry, no pictures are available for preview as there’s a part of extreme violence and retardedness in da pix… (the end)

Scene 2: The Celebration of The Most Loving Moms… Happy Mother’s Day, Mama !!!
Mother’s Day… a very special day for all mothers, where their sons might give her a bouquet of red roses, where their daughters might give them the pair of shoes they’ve always wanted, where their husbands take them for a candlelit dinner without any nuisance from their kids, or where the husband and kids do all the chores while giving them a spa treatment or something… well as for my family, we do it big time, we made a celebration of mothers of 2 generations, mothers that we call mother, mak, mom, mama or mommy, and the mothers of our mothers and daddies whom called granmama, nenek, opah, wan… it is very special as we bought about 4 cakes, one for each of them and celebrated it at my gramps house… Unfortunately, my grampapa, just went off from the hospital, for the cause of low blood pressure from eating incorrectly dosed high blood pressure pills… (darn u hospitals! U nearly killed my atok! On mother’s day pulak tu!) But thank goodness, he’s just at his best condition when we celebrated this…

Well, we gave a lot of presents… like the paragraph above stated, I, da son gave Mumma a big bouquet of red roses, 36 of them! My sis, gave Mumma pair of Bonia shoes (with a budget shared by all of us in a family), Bubba brought Mumma to a candlelit dinner at the rotating restaurant at KL Tower, before that, Mumma was sent to a spa at Pavillion, where we all get ready and do all the chores to do a mini celebration… Next day, we all went to our gramps place to celebrate my aunt’s, and grandmama’s mother’s day… and again, of course Mumma is included too… I love you mumma, you’re the best and I love you! Thank you for being such caring mother for a lil’ drama king like me… remember, da genes of drama came from you, and I’m glad I inhibited them, thank you… Happy Mother’s Day… here’s a few shots on the day at my gramps…

My grampapa, still strong… jiayou!

Some of my family from my mom’s side, unfortunately I’m not there coz I’m holding da cam…

My granmama, one of the most political person in da family, orang kuat UMNO ni… Ketua Wanita Umno Syahbandaraya, Klang… kawan baik Sultan ni… selalu pujuk I ambik political science suruh I jadi orang politik, and suke cakap banyak2 pasal politik negara… no matter how many haiz I would say, I still love her…

My mumma!!! She’s beautiful, she’s hardworking, she’s dramatic, she’s lovely, probably the greatest cook ever, loving, caring, likes to babble a bit, but I noe its for my own good, and I will always listen to her until I die, even if I don’t show it much, I’m listening mom, I am, and I LOVE you… thank you mumma… MUAKZZZ! (with her in diz pix is my lil’ sis, Putri)

One of my fussiest and busiest Aunt in da family, Auntie Neen… don’t make a fool out of her or she might be a white leopard just like her dress… roar!!!

Me and my siblings and cousins…

Me and my siblings giving a kiss on our dearest mumma’s cheeks and feeding her the delicious mango cheesecake…

Me and my granmama… love you opah!

My rocker turned business tycoon Uncle Andy and family…

My fourth aunt, Auntie Adleen and family…

My Auntie Neen and her family, a daughter named Meera and her divorced husband Uncle Zaid, they are still on good terms even after the divorce…

Me and my lil’ sis…

Me and my big sis, not so big lah, just under me…

And dats lil from the mor, da drama king out! Righteous…

Scene 3: The Celebration of Educators…
This episode completely covers about da celebration held for the past few months… this one shows another celebration scene, celebrating the teachers… the teachers that have swam through fiery oceans, walked through scorching deserts, glided through freezing blizzards and more in order to teach properly and shape their children (us students) into a person… thank you teachers for lifting heavy burdens on your shoulders to teach us… thank you… the following pixz shows the celebration of teaches day at my school…

We prefects need to give flowers and presents to the teachers, and I got Teacher “Adibah Noor”, Mrs. Masnaini…

There’s a few performance…

Da teachers choir…

Student’s performance…

And lotsa candids…


audrey said...

Yerr..!! i look so blurr eh! like I'm on crack or smth! Btw, i'm not on drugs, k!? This just happen to show that i have acting talents...lolx!! Ur family so big many peeps! So many angelina least, her lips...

さきょう said...

wow!! ehsan is still as hot as ever! hahaa...

love all that had happened this year!