Ammo Memos...

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Friday, May 30, 2008

:::: 2008: Different View-orial Panorama (Intro) ::::

Hello, hello, with lots of blinks of the eye we’ve reached the year 2008, the year filled with the most drama in my life ever… I’ve made new friends, I’ve dropped a few friend(s), I became an insanely drama-driven perfectionist, I fell in love, and it is not gay love, yay! I’ve stressed myself, I realized who my REAL friends are, I now know how to appreciate others although I’m still learning, I’ve gained weight, I’ve learnt to be more critically-dramatical, and again, I tried to kill myself and I am coping with my hormonal-disorder to be a more balanced person so I don’t react too fast, catalysts, beware… and da episodes of drama goes on and on maybe until I try to kill myself again and succeeded or maybe until it (death) happens naturally, I guess…

First I would like to say thank you to my friends who had been there for me, I loved you guys like I loved myself, and if you really know me, you’ll noe how much I loved you… second I would like to thank anyone involved in helping me during my self recovery although I think I haven’t found myself, third I would like to thank my friends again for being so patient with my attitude, demonic and dramatic as hell, dats me, thank you for still being friends with me and still holding on to me and protecting me eventhough I treated you guys badly, I noe I’m a beeyatch, no need to censor… and thank you for keeping me still on track although I’m sooo sesat until u can’t reach me anymore… thank you and thank you… haiz, macam nak mati je kan? Well forgive the innocent Aliff just now, da funkalicious disastrous Allan is back and he’s anxious to show you more of…. Him!!!!

Hey, hey DaMajorDramaKing is back… mesti pelik kan I wrote the topic as 2008: Different View-orial Panorama… sounds like an yearly summary at the end of the year kan? Well no, its not… I wrote the topic such bcoz my last post wrote that my next post will be named like dat… and like those words written in the last post, this post is goin to be divided into 3 episodes with 9 scenes, so watch out k? This is just the intro, not yet da episodes so continue reading…