Ammo Memos...

Valentines Day Candy Heart

Saturday, May 31, 2008

:::: 2008: Different View-orial Panorama (Episode 1) ::::

Scene 1: Chorallequre
Like I’ve written in my previous posts, choral speaking is like one heck of a tradition in my school, if it is not done, something’s gonna be really wrong… well this demon here have caused major problems for me and a lot more… lets see… hmmm, it have caused me to lose my voice, it have cracked a gap between me and my friend(s), it have made me felt unneeded, it have made me mad a lot of times and it have made me more confident with myself when bringing the solos, perhaps the only positive thing I get from this devil… well, I’m lucky that there are still ideas of mine used in the process although I need to bring it up myself, but its ok… for this year, we made 2 of this devil (imagine the suffering?!!), one as performance and one is for competition, as for the performance, we flunked hard, and as for the competition, we got second place but I don’t think we deserved it… haizz, so much drama wo… well, lets share the photos alledi, hope I can squeeze all in this blog…

Two of choral simlings, Audrey in blue and Joolz in uniform showing their magic moves… bibbidibobbidiboo!!!

The girls of Alpharianics lookin slick as ever…

And although like I said, this thing cracked a gap between me and my friend(s), it also brought me closer to some…

Our rival class-next-door, the Betarians competing their best for #1…...

Still the best Angelina Jolie’s lip-whoring competitor… me!!!

With a touch of ying and yang, the day became completely balanced with friendship…

And also with a spark of girl-power, the Chai-lee Angels made a performance…

And of course, the Chocoholics came to the rescue with their powerful poses… do look at da one wearing cap, and say “wow…”

And look at da capped gangsta again and say “oooohh…”

And of course, after the grueling pain of craziness, some massaging is needed… here, you are not needed to comment the capped guy…

And da choc on choc action continues… and of course, again, look at da handsome guy in da pixz n say “damn, he’s hot!”… oh, just say it, I noe u wanna… (note: we don’t keep any “flowerhorn” in our group, it just swam towards us when we are taking our pix…)

And at last, the day of truth comes, where we need to compete for the tie-breaker… both teams are needed to perform as live entertainers in front of about a thousand people, to show who’s da mafia boss… and after dat, it’s announced, we, da senior Alpharians got number 2, losing number 1 to da junior Alpharians… well, eventhough we lost, we’re all winners, dats why we smiled and cheered at the end… to prove it, here’s a few candids for your eyes…

Da princess of ‘Fairy Tales: Alpharianic Version’, Princess Murnee

Da nuu besties, Da Major Drama King, King Allan and his shining Knight, Sir Ivan…

And of course, the Alpharians to complete the whole picture…

Scene 2: Dilemma
Nowadays I keep having dreams of fighting with my friends… be it my local friends or my international friends. I am now stuck in a dilemma of getting rid of this feeling while in the same time agreeing to everything that I dreamt of… what should I do? Although it is just a dream, it felt so real, tears are running off my cheeks at the time I woke up from those dreams where I teared myself… it is my fault actually, being so stubborn and hot-headed, being so selfish and arrogant, being so sarcastic and cold… no wonder I kept having dreams like these… honestly I can’t handle this anymore… many would know this already since I love to talk about my phobias to others so they won’t leave me, but I’ll just strictly say it again… my phobia is really related to my behavior towards my friends, towards people, where I am terrified I’ll be left alone in the dark, without anyone to talk to, without any laughter, without any soul, knowing that no one in this world likes me anymore… I want people to notice me, to be the centre of attention, be it good or bad attention, that’s why I am such a drama king, knowing that I’m such a hypocrite at times, and always acting to fish attention with a spark of friendship and popularity hurts me… to cam-whore myself is the way to get rid of the ‘lonely’ feeling… the feeling of unneeded, the feeling of losing attention is all recovered when I cam-whore myself, not just because it’s a annoying hobby, it’s because to show that there is someone that really loves me for me, and that’s me…

Scene 3: Hyperbolical + Drama + Ridiculous = Hydraridimaperboculousolical…
Hydraridimaperboculousolical or HDR is actually a disease related to my behavior lately, where I’m getting more dramatic in the same time ridiculous, and I would hyperbole everything that is so small, into something sooo big!... where no one sanely enough would likely to understand what the hell am I talking about (see, I’m already starting to hyperbole da situation!!!)… I am soo HDR; I almost caused a major chaos in my friendship circle…, it is all like this, I am treated coldly by this gurl in my circle, and during the choral speaking, she kinda blamed me for all the noisiness and as the reason everyone is not paying attention to her… even when I’m not making a sound! Imagine, orang lain semua kesiankan I, but her? I guess she dares to treat me that way because I’m da hide and seek guy when it comes to being angry at my friends, so dier pun lepas geram kat I camtu jer… So I pun apalagi, mengamokla… and like I said, I am a hide and seek guy when it comes to showing my anger to my friends and since I have a HDR or also commonly known as the “B.I.T.C.H.” disease, I pun went off cool, showing a sarcastic smile, pretending that I’m having a “wonderful” time, while in da same time hating her... i think since she have a similar attitude like me, i think maybe dats why i can't get along so much, i mean, both of us are very sarcastic! And this fact makes it hard for me, practicing with a person who also actually have the same disease with me, but a whole less loud, which is recognized as the “Silent B.I.T.C.H. disease”… and until now, I treated her with so much “care”, I barely speak to her… in order not to break her so called “fragile” women’s heart, I now kinda cold towards her, oops, no… I AM cold to her not kinda cold anymore…


audrey said...

Wow!! My hands look so cool! Memang bibidi bobidi boo la! Actually...u're right, u're kinda harsh to her. Give her a chance la. It might still work out. Both of u actually got so much in common that u cnt see from ur viewpoint. Change ur viewpoint and take a step back...tolerate ckit la. It'll change a lot of things. Instead of seeing the sun setting, why dun u see it rising?

さきょう said...

what aud said is right. you should give her a breaks my heart seeing the both of you that way..