Ammo Memos...

Valentines Day Candy Heart

Monday, April 28, 2008

:::: The Arse-ness of the Drama King ::::

I’ve been feeling like shit lately and being with my current friends kills me more… the feeling of guilt, disappointment and agony of realizing the mistakes I’ve done towards my friends makes me feel like loathing myself till death do me part… I’ve made a list that ranked my friends in numbers, that’s very discriminative of me; I have kutuk-ed my friend in a blog, that’s feud-ish, why don’t I publish it in a newspaper? Gosh, I am such an ass aren’t I? Nowadays anything I do is all wrong and I’m getting fuckin’ stressed up by myself… the dreams that showed me killing myself in various ways is increasing in numbers, in the same time my dreams of me getting married to a woman without face and dreams of being in a gay relationship is certainly NOT helping… the greatest guilt comes from me, reading my friend’s blog, a friend that I’ve ranked 15 on my current list, I feel so bad doin that to him you know, and reading his blog bout his friends which, included me at the same time tears my heart away… I felt so much like an ass and I hate myself now… you know, I am someone that is very weak spirited, and I’m not surprised I you hear people talking bout me, saying that I killed myself… that is if my suicide is talked about, because I’m a jerk and I hate myself and I can’t deal with this world anymore… someone please, make me realize that I can still see sunshine the next day after I slept…

:::: Crazeeness and drama within the vocal flaws ::::

Choral speaking………
Something that needs guts and brains to be done…
Something that will test your will power…
Something, that will drive you to the mental insitution…
And bla bla bla and ga ga ga and fa fa fa……

I’m no stranger when it comes to choral speaking coz I’ve been doin it like since I’m standard four till’ now…
But it’s this past few days of training for choral speaking that have brought me to almost gave up on choral speaking that I fell in love with…despite all, I didn’t give up; but still, this crazy sessions of screaming and oddly weird drama changed me… I realized my friend’s true potential of being such an ass… and what’s worst is me realizing what an ass I’ve been throughout my life towards my friends… the choral speaking interclass competition had passed and we got a draw, a tie… and from my point of view, we DON’T deserve it with what so ever cause… have you ever seen a choral speaking group that pauses for about 6 seconds without having the intention to do so? I think the judges were crazy to let us to even get top 3 apalagi tie for top 2?
Kitty, the first name that I can pick out of my kusut punyer mind everytime I think of our choral speaking group… the fact that she became our conductor bugs me… really really bugs me… why? Because she is such a pusher and I hate when I’m pushed especially by a friend that I don’t find myself close with… her tone, her body language, her expression just kills me to bother bout her anymore… maybe its just my thoughts, but it seems that EVERYONE noticed that she’s constantly mad at me for something as simple as talking, that everyone does as I was talking, orang lain tu, you tak nak marah?… little that you know Kitty, I was talking to find ideas to IMPROVE our choral speaking… she seemed like a stranger to me now… and that’s why I placed her on the last place on my Top20 friends list… she should be thankful for me not not putting her in the list and banned her from the list forever…

Well, what can I do? I am a nobody to her, ever since she broke up with her bf, she’s been throwing rocks at me… this may sound mean and I mean really mean but I think she deserved it, being dumped… I respected her bf’s decision letting go of her because she is, like I said, a pusher and no boyfriend nor any boy or man liked to be pushed, especially by their girlfriends or wives. And since I’m like their connector of feelings, I am automatically involved in the decision making or so does she thought but I’m not… so leave me alone!!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

:::: The Celebration of an Educator ::::

The plan was simple; get the entire stuffs ready, hide and make a surprise… but the plan was ruined as the educator followed the wrong surprise path, leading to no surprises, in fact the surprisers are surprised! It’s my beloved Additional Mathematics teacher, Pn. Tasminah Salleh’s birthday and we all the students of 5 Alpha planned to make a surprise for her for her dedication and patience of teaching us all along… it’s not easy to teach and educate a so called ‘brilliant’ class, as you would need to comprehend with da debating and rebelling students trying to prove themselves they’re right… well, enjoy the blooper for what made an educator smile and blush and the students that supported her and loved her… Pn. Tasminah, I love you and you’e the best! Arigatto Gozaimass!!!

The ultimate appreciation to da’ dearest teaher, Pn. Tasminah...
And the students that loved her too…

Da royal cake for the royal educator…

Da Big Bro and Big Sis of the family…

And the other candeeds if the Alphariapolis too… and da drama king and his joker…

and a few of the soprano princesses…

Teacher and her escorts holding her assets… What?!! The microphone one of her escorts are holding… that’s her assets… not something else ok?

Sexiness, reveal!!!

Cup twistdrinking go go go!!! cheers!

And at last…
On queue… 1, 2, 3, The End, and they all lived gaily ever before …

Sunday, April 20, 2008

:::: And the award goes to…… ::::

Ok… this is a bit hard for me to do it… but I still want to do it… be it, if people will call me mean after this announcement, be it if I lose a few friends after this announcement… all I know is I want to get this bloody thing out of my chest, that’s for sure…

Ok, what’s this is all about eh? It’s about me, ranking my current BFFs (da local ones) into a Top20 chart, before and after… there have been ups and downs and I’m very upset seeing the ones that went down and for some that even went OUT of the chart and not even nominated… well here goes…

This is the TOP20 BEFORE (from 2006)…
20 >>> Fizz
19 >>> Mike
18 >>> Rend
17 >>> Feeq
16 >>> Luke
15 >>> Jeev
14 >>> Easzt
13 >>> Zenna
12 >>> Leen
11 >>> Amy
10 >>> Kitty
09 >>> Reese
08 >>> Jazlyn
07 >>> Freddy
06 >>> Joolz
05 >>> Audrey
04 >>> Zee
03 >>> Jessica
02 >>> Neddy
01 >>> Tique

The TOP20 NOW & LATEST (from the early 2008 till the day I posted this post)…
20 >>> Kitty (down 10)
19 >>> Leen (down 7)
18 >>> Jeev (down 3)
17 >>> Fizz (up 3)
16 >>> Mike (up 3)
15 >>> Rend (up 4)
14 >>> Farah (newcomer)
13 >>> Jenna (newcomer)
12 >>> Feeq (up 6)
11 >>> Freddy (down 4)
10 >>> Luke (up 6)
09 >>> Rabby (newcomer)
08 >>> Zenna (up 5)
07 >>> Amy (up 4)
06 >>> Jazlyn (up 2)
05 >>> Joolz (up 1)
04 >>> Audrey (up 1)
03 >>> Jessica (static)
02 >>> Tique (down 1)
01 >>> Reedz (newcomer)

And I felt upset towards myself too… why didn’t I have the strength to make a change? Maybe I’m in the wrong side I guess? Maybe it’s me who’s to be blamed? Is it me? Is it them? Whatever it is, I hope this theatrical drama stop coz’ I don’t wanna play in it…

And what’s with the newcomers? They seemed to work things out better than the others… imagine a newcomer being in the TOP rank… it seemed that I have more trust, more love (friendship love) towards someone that had just arrived in my life… imagine… I used to ignore him with all my might, and now I’m being best friends with him?! Well, that’s not a bad thing though, but come on, what happened to all of my other friends? And I’m not referring to the top 8, because they deserve the ultimate trust, love and true friendship anyone else couldn’t have… in fact they are the ones that gave the same qualities towards me as my friends… and I’m grateful that God presented me with such wonderful friends that I will never forget…

By the way, the others in top 9 and lower, the fact that I ranked you guys in those numbers doesn’t mean I hate you or something… it’s just me, feeling the apartness, the loss of the “close” feeling towards you as we go down the rank… so, don’t feel bad ok?

Well, this is the longest and most philosophic post in this blog so far… Yeah; I promised no philosophic posts right? I’m so sorry if a few of you got their astigmatism higher after reading this or got their fingers popped out of their hands scrolling down the mouse or got their eyes jumped out of their heads… so this is enuff’ for now, adhios!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

:::: Me and my self obsession ::::

Another post filled with… ME! Yes, my S.O.S. (self obsession syndrome) is getting’ worse by the second… and there’s nothing else that we can do about it isn’t it… So let’s just endorse ourselves with my wonderful-ous fashionmag themed pixs…

My ‘perasan cool’ pixs…

Yeah, I noe I don’t have much of a 6pax to show, or even 1pac, but sooner or later you’ll see me in my tipititop shoot with no top whatsoever flaunting my fab 6pax!

Sugar and spice, naughty and nice!

:::: Oh, the cam-whoring of the Drama King, Me!!! ::::

Well, well, well…. This post is my fave among the others and more of these genres are going on air soon… Yes! Being a drama king, prince, queen or princess or even the butler as long you have the majestic word “DRAMA” before it, means taking lotsa lots of your pix and having the purrfect pose, the purrfect smile and the most purrrrrrrfect emotions in it… your pix must be in your best condition, in your best looks and the most purrrrrfect “feel” into it, you must polish your face from any impurities, you must bring away all commoners in your way and snap, snap, snap! Your wonderfully flawless pix are in the dramatical form… hahahahaha!!! The following pixes includes nudity, obscene language and hypercritical form of self obsession… one, two, three, snap!!!

:::: check out the new babe on da’ block… fewwittt!!! ::::

Her name is Sazzy, and she’s hot hot hot! Babe…with her long dark brunette locks, slim bod, and fair as ever skin, she’s one heck of a model goddess… little that you know, she’s a GUY!!! And I’m not kidding or joking ok… She is, and guess what? She’s one of my friends in my first BFF group… before you look at the pix down there, try to guess who it is, and then look at this pix…

Looks the same? Hell yeah!!! That model-goddess I’ve been praising is my best friend Asree, turned to Sazzy and he hates me calling him with the name Asree… Why? I dunno, but no matter what he does, oops… she does, I’ll be right behind her, supporting her all away… you go girl (or boy…)!!! But I am a bit skeptical ‘bout her new looks… and I can’t stop thinking, whether the ‘humps’ are real, plastic, or real… and has he did it (the lower part) or has he didn’t? I’m trying as hard as I can to squash the melons out of her, but I just don’t have any guts to do it… (and what I meant by ‘melons’ is details… not the ‘melons’… God, you guys are so blue-minded!)… And I heard from my sources that she has a boyfriend… True? Dunno, but if it’s true, he’d better know that his girl is a guy because a relationship based on a lie is made of lust and when the word ‘lust’ come out, you know what’ll happen…