Ammo Memos...

Valentines Day Candy Heart

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

:::: the scene of crime of my life ::::

Having a serious grim blog really tires me out as I need to feel the pain, the agony and the grimness in it. Plus, my friends keep on telling me that it’s too PHILOSOPHIC, too SERIOUS and a bit too MATURED for me. Therefore I’m creating this normal-synced, casual and more fun blog for my friends… However, if you still want to see what I meant by the grim blog, click ‘the dramatical alter ego’ on my funkalicious section.

Let’s move on to the events that have past and that’s happenin’ baby… a lot have past and lots to come… You know, with the "SPM days to come" are decreasing, stuffs happened and bla bla bla…

Lets’ start with the last-est of all that I could consider showing…

This is the first BFF group I’ve ever had… Consisted of 3 happy-go-lucky peeps that totally know how to enjoy life, Asree in green, Azizam in tall blue and me in blue, short… We’ve gone through a lot as a group of friends and I’ll always love them as my brothers…

Here, in this pix in white is my, ermm…… friend, that I kinda disliked very much nowadays, I dunno, we used to be like ‘good’ friends… but as time goes by, we became more matured to choose the rights and wrongs, and I put him under the wrongs…

She is cute, she is funny, and she is Fatin Nadhirah, another gurl that I decided to put under my BFF list… We had a lot of laughs and jokes and had lotsa fun together and at last I had fallen for her… but she doesn’t know, as I didn’t show it much. In fact I became her “artificial cupid” for her and her crush, Fiqri… I did all my best to stick them together, but it didn’t work, so I let it be… but what came to surprise me, even though the relationship doesn’t work, she still continues hoping on him until now… Gurl, I hope you find another guy that will make ‘ya… as happy as the angels in high heaven…

And the BFF list becomes longer as I put these wonderful peeps in it… from left, Faisal or Freddy with his head popped out of the group, Yee Ding or Jazlyn, Kit Yeng or Ky, Ke Xin or Joolz, Sin Yi or Jessica, Y.Siong or Audrey, Haszlyn or Lynn, Gayathri or Lala and lastly and the most wonderful-est of the group, Me!!! The one taking the pix is one of my coolest BFF too, and her name is Atiqah or Tique, here’s a pix of her and me...

Then there comes my school, and it’s also filled with lotsa coolies and demonies…

Then, the latest of all and had been done like since the school had been opened, Choral Speaking… this yearly activity has chosen lotsa talented peeps that knows how to express themselves in any situation, in any emotion… with the rigorous training that cost everyone their voice and energy, it brings the school’s name to the utmost…

Here are a few candid pixs before the performing… and after…

Choral speaking: THE SECOND! 5th March 05

Choral Speaking: THE THIRD! 24th March 06

and the latest Choral Speaking : THE FIFTH! 22nd March 08

Wow! Really lots of pix u can see from here isn’t it? Wait, there’s more… Now, the story would be about me being a prefect and the prefect’s matters… watch out…

I’m a prefect since my school opened and I think I’ve been good, but although I’m good as a prefect, I’m also good with the students I watch over so I know, that there are guarantees that I’m liked although I’m a prefect… unlike… others… yes, I do bend a few rules, but like I said, I only bend them, not break them… but once in a while, I follow them strictly… I mean come on; sometimes some prefects are being too damn strict and how to say this… Autocratic? Dictatorial? Until they didn’t think of the human nature, that makes mistakes… sometimes they punish peeps for the smallest reason… imagine if you’re at that position, would you want to be treated like that?

This is Ms. Shanti, the prefect’s teacher, and so far the most diplomatic one… she knows how to balance what’s right and wrong, but sometimes she makes a few wrongs in her decision making… but who can blame her, she’s confronting like one heck of a pile of tension being the discipline teacher cum prefect’s teacher slash English subject teacher. And dealing with that kind of tension while in the same time showing a smiling and calm face deserves one heck of appreciation… thank you teacher!!!

and this is the latest pix of the prefect’s gang of 2007…

These are the pix taken on the previous prefect’s motivational camps...

Sigh, that's one heck of tireness uploading the pix, well that's a few that i can share with you, so watch out for other posts...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

:::: heylo commoners… ::::

Hey, hey, hey!!! I’m back! And I’m not writing a BORING, PHILOSOPHIC blog over here because here is ONLY for the spunkiest, juiciest juices you’ll ever find, wonderfully harmonical, cam-whoring pixs you’ll ever see, and commoners’s gossips (I don’t gossip bout celebs, ok), and much DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA!!! Like duh… Let us be introduced… I’m Allan P. and majorly known as Al, I’m also known as Aliff but still I want people to call me Al… or you could call me by my alias, BeeBoe. I’m a nice guy that likes to linger around people, cool and friendly people that help me gain something, the one thing I am obsessed with… POPULARITY! Yerp, I would like to be coped 24/7 with paps and I could even be one of them writing ‘bout peeps that I cope 24/7… Ok, this is a more specific detail of what I think I am… read it carefully because if 90% of it is like you, you just made yourself my best-est friend I’ll ever have!

I am…
v A dreamer, day or night, awake or asleep
v An imaginative person (of course!)
v Evil, by being kind at times (mwahahaha!!!)
v A metrosexual that cares a lot about how I look like in public
v A lazy bum
v A sensitive person, to words and actions that may hurt me or my surroundings
v An emo-freak sometimes or mostly, which made me act dramatically a lot… (I mean, a LOT!)
v Not very confident with myself
v Trying as hard as I can to satisfy everyone around me
v Annoyed of the qualities that are stated in this list because it’s true and makes the most sense in me
v Never satisfied with anything I had got (uhuh,uhuh)
v A caring and affectionate person, but when I hate, I’ll hate as much as I can
v Unnecessarily moody and have mood swings (I blame the budding hormones in me)
v Passionate and can be obsessive about something, but I will be cold and heartless if the ‘passionate-ness’ is disapproved
v Always blaming myself inside for the wrong deeds I did and even for the ones that the others made
v A snobbish show-off
v Someone who at least know that I needed help but I just don’t know how
v So socially-not-physically-not-sexually active
v Someone who craves attention and of course, popularity…(like duh…)
v A person that continuously wished and wished for good things to happen to me and I am full of hopes (don’t break my heart baby…)
v A not so appreciative person, but I know when to
v A rule-bender, not a rule-breaker
v A hypocrite especially when I think I need to be one
v A humble person, well at least sometimes I am…
v Much of a drama king from the monarchial drama royalty since the death of William Shakespeare (why oh why!!!)
v Someone who enjoys and loves living, while in the same time hating it…
v A rebel, especially when it comes to issues I am passionate of but provoked
v Trying as hard as I can to try not to be negative, as most of the qualities above
v Hoping very much that everyone would just accept ME for who I really am… no question asked